Assistant Migration

Once the dataset has been migrated, the Assistant can then be migrated.


Exporting the Assistant:

  1. Navigate to the Assistant config (Skill Studio > select Assistant).
  2. Click the three dot icon, then click Export Assistant.
  3. This will download a JSON containing the Assistant name and the date of export.

Once the dataset has been migrated, the Assistant can then be migrated.

Importing the Assistant:

  1. Navigate to Skill Studio.
  2. Click the Assistant dropdown, then selection Import.
  3. Select the Assistant JSON to import, then click Upload, then click Import.
  4. The new Assistant will maintain the config from the exported environment, so no additional configuration should be needed.
  5. Test the new Assistant in chat to confirm it is working as expected.


Please Note: Resources will need to be migrated to the target environment in addition to your dataset(s) and Assistant.


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