Audit Trail


The Audit Trail feature provides a detailed log of all user activities within AnswerRocket, ensuring transparency and accountability.. Each entry provides details about the user taking the action, a timestamp of the activity, and a message regarding the activity.

The types of activities that are monitored in the Audit Trail are as follows:

  • User login (success, failure, remember-me)
  • User management (creation, updates, deletion, password reset, role creation)
  • System (server startup)
  • User Groups (creation, updates, deletion)
  • Dataset (saving, reload)
  • Tenant Email Config (updates)
  • Authentication Config (updates to SSO, updates to LDAP, updates to social login)

Accessing the Feature

To access the audit trail navigate to the Admin area of the product and choose the Audit Trailicon on left tool bar.

Using the Audit Trail

Option 1: In Product

  1. On the Audit Trail page, view the list of activities.
  2. Scroll through the log to see all recorded actions.
  3. Click on any row to see detailed information which was captured.

Option 2: Exporting Data

  1. Click on the Download CSV button.

Use Case

Scenario 1: Change in Copilot Behavior

Objective: Confirm if a change in copilot behavior resulted from intentional changes by a user.


  1. User Action: Raise question for changed copilot behavior - i.e. new daily evaluations are no longer appearing in Copilot Test Runs
  2. Audit Trail Review: Locate entries with Category Copilot and Message Edit Copilot Settings.
    • Click the most recent entry
    • Review the detailed logs regarding the copilot which was edited.
    • Assuming this was the copilot you are troubleshooting, continue reviewing the details to see the pre-post save state.
  3. Admin Followup: If you have further questions on why changes were made, consult with the user who is tagged to the audit trail entry as having made the changes.
  4. Admin Action: Make desired updates in Copilot Settings to turn daily evaluations back on.

Outcome: Helps in identifying who made changes, and posterity of the state before and after that change to further troubleshoot.

Scenario 2: Verify Change in User Experience

Objective: Explain a change in user behavior, then trace who made the change to follow up on why.


  1. User Action: A user raises question to the admin regarding that they are no longer able to access the Scheduling UI.
  2. Audit Trail Review: Locate entries with Category User Management and Message User Profile Changed. Select entry and review the updates within details.
  3. Admin Followup: If the changes were made by another administrator, followup to understand intent.
  4. Admin Action: Assuming additional changes to the user who raised the issue should be made, complete the changes in User Management then notify user to try again.

Outcome: Identify who made changes and when that cause an unintended behavior for users.

Troubleshooting the Audit Trail

Common Issues

  1. The audit trail is not displaying recent activities.
    • Refresh the page
  2. Exported file is not downloading.
    • Ensure pop-ups are enabled in your browser settings and retry the export


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