Market Share Driver Analysis

Market Share Driver Analysis Managed Skill Icon.jpg

Skill Setup

Properly setup dimensional hierarchies and metric hierarchy within your dataset. 


To set up your hierarchies:

  1. From Skill Studio, choose your Market Share Driver Analysis skill. Select the data icon from the toolbar.
    Set up hierarchy 1.jpg
  2. Scroll to the toggle for Description and Misc Info. Choose Misc Info.
    Misc Info.jpg
  3. Here is where you will insert your Python code building out your hierarchy. (Example below).
    Put in Hierarchy.jpg



Dimension & Metric Hierarchy Example:

  "metric_hierarchy": [
      "metric": "sales",
      "parent_metric": "value_share"
      "metric": "volume",
      "parent_metric": "sales"
      "metric": "price",
      "parent_metric": "sales"
      "metric": "TDP",
      "parent_metric": "volume"
  "dimension_hierarchy": [
      "col": "market",
      "children": [
          "col": "category",
        "children": []
     "col": "manufacturer",
      "exclude_in_mkt_size": true,
      "children": [
          "col": "brand",
          "children": []

Notes on metric hierarchy:

      "metric": "sales",
      "parent_metric": "value_share"

Notes on dimension hierarchy: 

      "col": "market",
      "children": [
          "col": "category",
          "children": []


Use this skill to

  • Determine which packs/segments are effecting my share and how?
  • Determine which key metrics are effecting my share and how?
  • Determine which competitor is my biggest threat and why?

This skill is good for

Market Share Driver Analysis provides users with an understanding of the share drivers or share change of a specific brand or manufacturer in the market. The provided explanation includes metrics drivers, competitive pressure, as well as impact of share change across different products and market segments.


Default Visualization

Table and Chart

New Market Share.jpg


Example Questions

  • How did Ebro Foods market share perform in California for June 2023 YTD?
  • Why is whole grain pasta losing share?
  • How is short cut rice performing?


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