24.06 Release Notes

Managed Skills

Managed Skills are skills that can be owned and managed by AnswerRocket in your copilot. This means that as AnswerRocket updates or improves skills, your managed skills will automatically receive those updates.

Previously, if you were utilizing a template skill and AnswerRocket made updates or improvements to the skill, you would have to create a new version of the skill using the updated skill template.

If you are utilizing a template skill that does not require customization, it is suggested that you keep the skill as a managed skill so that you'll receive automatic updates and improvements on the skill from AnswerRocket.

If you need a custom version of the skill but would like to start with a template skill, simply detach the skill to take ownership and manage it on your own. Detached skills do not receive updates from AnswerRocket.

You can edit the name and description of your managed skill for each copilot.

Edit name description.jpg

Managed skills are indicated by a Managed Skill Icon.jpg icon in Skill Studio.

Managed Skills in SS.jpg

If you wish to configure a managed skill yourself, you may do so by Detaching the Skill from AnswerRocket code. You will then have the freedom to customize the skill as needed, like with templated skills previously.

Detach Skill.jpg

Once a skill has been detached it cannot become a managed skill again.


Updated New Chat Experience

The “Landing Page” HTML defined in copilot settings has been moved to a panel accessible by the question mark in the top right corner of a chat.

Starter content will now display the Copilot name & icon, with a new copilot description (if set in the copilot settings).

Starter Question buttons will appear based on copilot questions where the “Starter Question” is checked Clicking on a starter question will automatically ask that question. Starter questions will be appear in groups of six, adding six more each time the “see more” button is clicked.

New chat 1.jpg

Landing page for new chat with sample questions and new description.

New chat 2.jpg

Copilot settings for description and landing page.

New chat 3.jpg

Landing page now displayed in help area.


Note: This feature is backwards compatible with the previous chat design. If there are no starter questions designated in Skill Studio then the old design will still appear on the chat screen.


Admin Tools

A new collection of pages has been added to Max called Admin Tools. You can navigate to these pages using the logo in the top left corner if you have admin rights.


Admin Tools.jpg

User Management

Once in the Admin Tools section, you will land on the user management page.

User Management Page.jpg


This gives you a list of all the users in the system and the ability to search for specific users. The pagination bar on the bottom right lets you navigate multiple pages of users on larger tenants.

Clicking on an existing user in the list will take you to a form where you can view and edit the properties of a user.

Individual User Page.jpg

You can send an existing user a password reset link by clicking the Reset Password button while viewing that user.

Reset Password.jpg

Clicking the Add User button will take you to a similar form where you can create a new user.

Add User Button.jpg

Add User Page.jpg

The user management home page also offers a tab to view and modify the groups on a system.

Groups Tab.jpg

This table works similarly to the user table (search, pagination, etc.). Clicking on an existing group or clicking the Create New Group button will take you to a form to edit a group or create a new group, respectively.

Create New Group Page.jpg


Audit Trail

From the Admin menu, click the new Audit Trail icon.

Open Audit Trail.jpg

You can scroll and page through the audit trail entries, and drill into a particular one by clicking on it.

Audit Trail Entry.jpg

The full audit trail can be downloaded as a CSV file by clicking the Download CSV button.


Authentication Configuration Pages

All necessary authentication configuration pages can now be found in Admin Tools. Access these pages by clicking on the check shield icon in Admin Tools.


There are several sections on the left panel. You can enable/disable and/or configure AnswerRocket authentication and Google authentication.

You can also add or edit SSO and LDAP authentication configs under their respective sections.

If you would like to edit SSO group mappings, you can click on an existing SSO config and visit the SSO Groups tab. Here you can add, edit, and view mappings between SSO groups and AnswerRocket groups and roles.



Note: Today, SSO group mappings are configured globally despite being located under individual SSO configs. This may be addressed in future iterations. This also means you will need at least one SSO config saved to begin editing group mappings.


Connection Search While Creating Dataset

You can now search for a connection when creating a dataset. Search Datasets.jpg

Copilot Questions in Preview Dropdown

Copilot questions are included in the preview dropdown. To have it available in the preview, the Skill set on the question properties must match the skill being previewed.


Maximum File Upload Size

The maximum size of a file that can be uploaded to Max (for the Local Storage connection type) is 1 GB.

Max File Upload Size.jpg

Connection Management

Connections can now be maintained in Skill Studio. These can be accessed via the left navigation options.

Connections in left nav.jpg

Once you drill into an existing connection (or add a new connection), there’s now a Test Connection button that serves as a general purpose database connection tester. You will receive a success/error toast based on the results of the test.

Test Connection.jpg

Note: You’ll need to re-enter the password before testing a connection, since we do not retrieve that from the server. However, you may Save the existing connection without updating the Password field, since we will only overwrite it on the server if it’s been filled in.



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